Season of the Sorceress

The Beginning

The child came into the world under a fated eve. A difficult birth for the boy's mother.

The mystic foresaw the coming days of chaos that would follow the child's entrance into this world.

The Assassin, Köykkä secreted his son away for years under the tutelage of the chain clad warrior of the Hall as the father conducted the tasks befitting his title.

For years, eyes sought the child from afar. As news spread of a child of a northern hunter being born into the southern kingdom, the practitioners of the dark shamanic tribes of the north began their hunt for the fabled champion of the ancient prophecies. 

The mystic remained close, mere miles outside of the capital, using her polymorphic magics to keep an avid eye on the boy and ensure his safety.

The time would soon come, she knew, where she would have to reveal herself to Köykkä and inform him of the boy's importance to the realm.

Fate, it would seem, would lead Köykkä to the woman for other reasons as he sought the missing Seamus. Still, she kept her true intentions masked from the Assassin. She knew he was not ready to learn the truth of his son's importance so she bided her time.


The Hunters

In the weeks leading to the departure north to seek the missing Seamus, Köykkä and Ogre reminisced over years past amongst their nomadic northern tribes.

The summer months had winded down to the twilight of the oncoming autumn winds and they understood the journey ahead of them was one their companions at the Hall would not be prepared for.

They blended their skills from the years of Ogre being one of the greatest huntsman of his tribe with Köykkä's training in stealth and subterfuge.

They knew their companions would need their leadership to endure the dangers ahead, so they took to hours of training. Testing each other until they could form a perfect blend of sword and kukri, bow and spear.

Refining their latent talents they became as one on the field in preparation against the multiple foes they were sure to face, potentially undead abominations of their former tribesmen.

The Assassin and the Huntsman knew their allies needed them to be at their best for this journey, and as they trained for weeks in constant unison, they were unaware of the scrying eyes of the woman they had known simply as The Seer.

Little did they know the importance of the visions this seemingly wild mystic would give to them in the coming weeks. Nor did they understand how much was about to change for Köykkä prior to his journey.


Blood Sacrifice 

Köykkä's rage welled up within him. The barbarian hoardes coming at him from every direction. Phasing in and out of the ethereal plane as he stepped through their every attack landing killing blow after killing blow.  

His allies were still north of him, his senses attuned to the magic of the gemstone on his left wrist, he began to feel the lust for battle take over him.

He remembered this tribe from his childhood. Tales parents would tell their children of these inhuman barbarians who cared nothing for those left in their wake. But it was Köykkä who felt nothing with every lethal stroke of his kukri and spinning electric arc of his Khopesh. 

They would all fall before him if he had his way. But his allies were separated from him while he scouted ahead and he knew they were in need of him.

Far away the sorceress witnessed his bloody swath and through her scrying globe she reached forth with her magic to imbue upon him unnatural strength and speed.

She smirked knowing that soon she would make her presence known to the Heroes of the Hall. But for now she took great pleasure in witnessing the chaos at the hands of her chosen champion.

His blows cut deeper with each stab, his sword shooting forth arcing bolts of terror as he beheaded and cleaved entwine every adversary between him and his encampment.

Seeing an opening ahead he sped forth in his new wraith form and arrived next to his encampment. Sounding a shout of warning to his allies as he heard them stir and arm themselves for the coming conflict.

Seamus was close by as well, he knew it in his blackened heart. But first, an end must come to his wardens.

The Assassin grinned, drenched in blood, his blades would be his paintbrush, these barbarians his canvas. What a portrait of terror he would create.

Köykkä's breath slowed as the final invader met his end. Gathering the heroes they followed the trail to the barbarian encampment.

The muffled grunts of the restrained Seamus rang throughout the camp as the heroes carved their way through the remaining barbarian defenders.

Bursting through the door, Köykkä found young Seamus, drenched in sweat, mud streaking his face.

The Assassin cut his bindings as the rest of the companions entered the tent.

The young barbarian punched the assassin, exclaiming "took you long enough!" The Assassin overwhelmed with relief that his young charge had survived his ordeal bid the heroes commandeer the encampment for the night before their journey home.

The road back was weary, as the young Seamus informed Köykkä of the perils he faced on his journey north. It would appear the guild had more pressing matters to come indeed...


The Return

The heroes returned to the hall after weeks of travel on foot from the northern border.

The biting winds of the coming winter stayed with them as they journeyed home. A constant reminder of the battles they endured and the rescue of young Seamus.

 It was a somber homecoming as they were reminded of the looming threat of the barbarian hoardes of the north.

Opening the door to the hall, Köykkä's joints creaked with the weariness of the journey the heroes had taken the prior year.

Slinking into his chambers the Assassin, the Hunter, the weary Nomad sought rest. He knew the safety of his guild was his priority, but his weariness was crushing.

He awoke days later to the sound of knocking on his door. Rising to his feet he came forward and saw the Seer, the Sorceress, standing before him with a maniacal grin upon her face.

She bid him gather the heroes and prepare a feast in the hall for the coming solstice as winter crept in.

The time for revelation for the Hall was at hand.


The Gathering

Köykkä's preparations for the gathering to welcome the sorceress were nearly complete. Though one eve as he looked over the supplies for the merriment ahead, the  Assassin felt that familiar stirring in his senses. 

The Sorceress was reaching out to him across vast distance to warn him yet again, "You have done well great hunter. Saved the young barbarian from his own demise, as well as united allies to your cause in these dire times. But what have you lost along the way? Or should I say what has replaced that part of you that used to to seem so very... you?"

Köykkä looked back on his journey and knew his temporary demise had indeed changed him. But more importantly he reflected on the Heroes that fought with him through it all.  

The Assassin understood the meaning behind the elusive torment the Sorceress was putting him through. As he pondered these things he realized he had been walking quite some time. Hearing movement behind him, he noticed the crew of El'randor's ship following behind.

Relaxing his grip on his swords he greeted the companions and bid they follow him. He knew where he was going. He was returning to his own crypt to perhaps bid farewell to a life lost to him. Entering the darkened tomb, the allies were set upon by looters. Following a swift sortie, the allies of the Hall proved the more able bodied as the looters fled for their lives.

Leaning down and seeing the patch where he had been previously laid to rest, the Assassin realized where he needed to go next.

Traveling through the forest again he led the crew to a hovel he had once tried to keep secret. Inside, Köykkä found his two most apt apprentices. It had been quite some time since his last apprentice had betrayed him, but he never doubted their allegiance.

With his two most capable agents at his side again, the Assassin was ready for whatever dire news the Sorceress had to bring.

Traveling the capital, Köykkä and the heroes gathered their allies for the Sorceress' revelation to the Hall.

A grand feast was held, drawing all who could hear the echoes of merriment as the celebration for their success at finding the lost Seamus rang well into the night.

Finally, as the heroes found themselves at the Finale of the night's revelry, she appeared to them. Silently she walked amongst them at first, taking note of all who had come to partake in the evening's call.

Suddenly, the meager magics that kept the city alight through even the darkest nights ceased its function. In the ensuing darkness, she summoned a pillar of flame in the center of the hall, startling those closest to her. 

With a resounding call she yelled, "FOOLS! You drink and feast over but a temporary victory! Your actions this last year have drawn the attention of others who seek vengeance for the King you have slain! The barbaric hoardes of the north have mobilized and seek the one you have taken such length to rescue! And for what?!? You sit idly by and are blind to the destiny your actions have created!"  

"Even now, the source of power in the kingdom has failed, chaos will soon follow! Your strength has been great in the deeds you have achieved thus far, but allies are needed in the struggle ahead!" 

The pillar of flame flashed with every raised intonation of her pleas. The heroes stood sober to the reality of their situation. The Hall had survived a year of constant assault and they knew her words rang true.



The Sundered Hall

The words of the Sorceress rang in everyone's ears as the onslaught began. Thunderous explosions rocked the Hall from seemingly every direction. Fires erupted as the home they all knew began crumbling around them.

Looking back to the Sorceress, they noticed her ironic smirk as she looked back with a snarky glare as if to prove the point of her foreboding words.

Escorting the assassins, rogues, brigands, warriors, and innocents through the secret tunnel out the back of the Hall, Köykkä glanced back one last time to see the final collapse of the home he had known these past years.

Hearing the desperate shouts of his friends, no, they were indeed his family, he turned away and fled the burning wreckage. He urged his allies to flee as fiery boulders rained down upon them in an impossible barrage. 

Rushing into the woods outside of the city, he realized he had outpaced many of the fleeing refugees of the Hall. He waited until dawn and began searching for his scattered allies. Scouring the forest bed he slowly came upon them one by one. Gathering together they looked back at the city to see the plume of smoke signaling the end to the structure that housed them so many glorious nights.  

Köykkä turned to each of them, knowing the pain in their hearts at seeing the destruction of their home. But he knew.. somehow... impossibly, he knew they would build a better one.

The allies raised their heads one last time to pay their respects to the Hall, turned to each other, and nodded in unison as they stepped deeper into the forest.

Whatever future the fates had decided for them, they knew they would face it together.

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