Season of the Hunter
The Assassin awakens under the remnants of fall's foliage. The night's chill hastens him to readiness as he swiftly recalls what left him here.
A dispute. Verbal then swiftly ending with his own blade stabbed into his back as he recalls the betrayal of the apprentice.
Removing the blade still lodged in his side he stumbles through the city seeking shelter in rundown alleyways until finally he arrives at the only home he has ever known.
The Hall of Heroes Tavern. Home to the Assassin's Guild. The earthy scent of this basement draws him in. His vengeance will be swift from this home base.
The Assassin once again prepares to hunt.
Hunter turned Assassin: Origins
Born in a quiet realm to the north.
Cold. Desolate.
The stranger known as The Hunter, simply sought adventure in the southern lands of the kingdom.
Though self sufficient in his ways. He found himself struggling in the city lifestyle, lost in the new world he found himself in.
The bounties were few in these lands, and he found work where he could: Providing support to merchant lords, ensuring the survival of their wares in this treacherous realm.
Many nights spent within the tavern. Quietly listening, observing the goings on of the city until finally, word spread of his expertise.
The hunter was guided to The Hall of Heroes. A den of ill begotten gains. It was here that his talents were brought to new use.
One night, lost in an ale induced reverie. The hunter was approached by the matron of the Hall and given a proposition of employment.
Realizing he didn't have a copper to his name to even pay for the round set before him, The Hunter reluctantly agreed.
Though he didn't realize the quarry of his hunt would soon change.
Weeks, months, passed as the hunter settled into his new line of work. Though the urban surroundings were yet still startling to him, he began to get acclimated to the new tasks set before him.
Tracking known criminals, bringing outlaws to justice. Though different from his wooded skill set would entail, he found ease in the tasks the tavern matron laid before him.
Everything seemed fine, until one evening a bounty became.... complicated.
Upon "retrieval" of one of his quarries, a double cross took place.
Payment that was agreed upon was not given.
In retaliation, The Hunter executed the bounty, as well as the patron.
Word spread to the tavern matron through her street spies and The Hunter was swiftly reprimanded upon return to the Hall.
However, what began as a simple bounty turned into a new opportunity for the tavern matron.
Able bodied killers are few and far between. Let alone with the skill set this Hunter possessed. Little did he know, however, everything would soon change.
Time became irrelevant as The Hunter honed his handiwork under the watchful eye of the tavern matron. His prowess quickly became apparent and the new skills he needed to master soon became 2nd nature. The matron, quite impressed, approved of his growth in the arts of assassination.
The cold winds crept in, and before he knew it, the Hunter found himself at the tavern one night. Early, so he thought, but this night was different. This city had different gods, different traditions than he knew in his frozen northern home.
It was the Midwinter Yule Solstice: The shortest day, and longest night of the year, and the matron had a surprise for the Hunter.
A tavern decanter deep in ale, the matron disclosed her true fiendish nature. In a swirl of brimstone scented smoke, the matron sprouted horns, revealing the truth of her suppressed demonic heritage.
She bestowed upon the Hunter new instruments to perfect his art. Adorned in black to thrive in the night and with blades that could cut even the gods themselves, the hunter parted with his old self, embracing the new monster within.
As the night's festivities concluded, the Dark Matron brought forward a traveler who had been crowned the Yule Princess, and granted a single boon of favor.
Strangely the princess actually was of noble blood, estranged from her royal court in the neighboring kingdom. Her single desire was to be granted safe passage and vengeance upon the usurper of her brother's throne.
With the coming of the 2nd night of Yule, the Dark Matron bade the newly born Assassin quench his blades in fury during the Wild Hunt.
Swearing the deed would be done by the rebirth of the sun on the morning after the solstice. The Assassin took to horseback to exact vengeance in the name of the scorned princess.
And as many would overtime learn, his oaths are never broken.
Vengeance Awakens
Memories of the past sour the Assassin as he lay wounded within the Hall.
Glimpses, agonies, past wounds resurface as he viciously recalls the path that led him here.
Fortunately, he was home now. And back under the dark healing magics of the tavern matron he eased into a restful sleep.
The aroma in this familiar place soothed his recovery with a fond allure that beckoned him back from death. Startled, he arose with a rage never before seen in the Hunter turned Assassin. Vengeance would be his, the apprentice would know suffering, but first - the Assassin would seek allies to his cause.
His war would be one the bards would sing for ages.
The Hunt Begins
Nursed back to health, The Assassin tests his skills after years of forsaking his history as The Hunter.
Weeks pass as the devilish tavern matron reveals the depths of her sorcerous talents. Beckoning the Assassin to trust in her, she takes his armor for enchanting.
Amidst his training, The Assassin is clouded with thoughts of revenge, unable to fire with the accuracy he once held, he frustratingly spends days in his endless pursuit of perfection as he awaits any word from his agents on the location of his most hated apprentice.
Power In A Name.
The Assassin returned once more to the tavern matron for enchantments as he began his hunt for one of his missing throwing daggers.
The matron, ecstatic at his devout need for her aid, began weaving her sorcery upon his implement though something was missing.
To properly bind a blade of magical repute to its wielder, the name of the owner must be etched upon the enchantment.
A name.
It had been years since even the Hunter went by a name. Hesitantly he looked up to the matron, as she somehow spoke a name the Assassin recalled only in dreams of his life in the frozen north.
A tribute to his ancestry, he openly embraced this name & the blade was formed.
Continuing his hunt for the missing dagger, and under the guise of night, Köykkä and Miishika find the city littered with bounty notices.
Realizing that their covert activities have drawn much attention they begin preparing to call an Assassin Guild meeting.
This "Director" that has been hunting the hunters must be countered at all costs.
As the days continue they put forth a call to arms.
The guild must endure.
For it to do so, it must increase in ranks.
Days Later…
An early evening chill began setting in and a strange silence beset the Hall Of Heroes as Köykkä honed his senses and noted the sound of combat in the streets above.
Undaunted, he rallied Miishika and cautiously sought out the source of the disturbance. Around the corners of the tavern, he noted strange figments that flickered in and out of view.
It seemed the guild was under attack, but no force was seen to validate this assumption.
They made their way above and noted that something was certainly amiss. They reached the sprawling city streets and saw only bodies strewn about, ally and foe alike.
The only distinguishable sign of the assailants seemed to ignite upon touch, though this was the Assassin's forte. The hunt was on, and nothing would stop him in this endeavor. Swiftly, he took to the streets; Miishika in tow, he knew this hunt must be swift.
Stopping at the guild armory, Köykkä donned his armor and prepared for whatever threat he heard in the city streets above the Hall of Heroes Tavern.
Swiftly spotting the disturbance he beckons Miishika prepare a magical ward to defend them from any retributive assault that may come their way.
arrows loose and the threat appears to have fallen. Circling around the tavern they reach the front entrance noting the unruly weather falling from the skies above. Prepared for anything, they stand vigilant awaiting the coming winds of Jotunheim itself.
They look above and see a blackened rift open in the skies. Dark creatures spewing forth from some unknown origin.
Bellowing the horn to rally the heroes to the hall, Köykkä braces defiantly, knowing no living, unnatural, or dead thing can stand before their combined onslaught.
Vicious Riposte
No good deed goes unpunished.
Through Miishika's infernal scrying, the source of the assault on the city has been determined. Retribution must be brought to those responsible for opening the frozen gate and allowing beasts of the night to spew forth.
Narrowing the search, The Assassin reverts to his old Hunter trainings and begins plotting the assault.
For the first time in ages, he feels the Hunter stirring, driven by growing suspicions his cursed apprentice might be behind the city’s attack. Unsure of whether who he can trust, he grudgingly relents his inner Hunter and instead carefully draws plans to counter the source of this madness under the cover of night.
Rallying his allies, Köykkä, determined as always, prepares to unleash a hell of his own.
Death From Above
Sharpening his skills with the bow once more, Köykka notes a startling presence behind him.
With a fluid pivot he spins to glimpse a spectre of the original tavern owner. Noting his arrows will be of no use, he halts his shot and awaits the next move of the spectre.
Realizing Miishika is nowhere to be found in this moment, he readies his blade, knowing it may be the only thing capable of harming the spectre given its enchantments.
Suddenly Miishika arrives and the conflict turns to conversing with the undead apparition.
It would appear the Hall Of Heroes has many secrets yet to uncover....
Darker Conjuration
Weeks passed since the chance meeting with the dark entity, spawned out of the spirit of the former tavern owner.
Multiple communings were had with Miishika as she learned to harness the dark entity to do her bidding.
Köykkä didn't trust the dark dealings that were taking place, remembering his youth traveling the frozen woods and hearing tales of dark spirits of the forest that would leave any unprepared hunter in dire circumstances.
He watched from afar, steeling his resolve. Knowing that the true power against the draw of the spirit world was an indomitable will, he fortified his senses, honed his hunter instincts, and prepared for the next steps in their search for his gods damned apprentice.
Tavern Raid
More weeks passed as Miishika conducted her dark commune with the tavern spectre until finally one eve something foul set upon the Hall Of Heroes.
The sorceress had gone missing.
Scouring the area surroundings of the hall for a trail to follow, and finding nothing….
Köykkä had to resort to…drastic measures.
Barging into his abode, Köykkä forces the drunken barbarian raider Seamus awake & tasks him to join in the hunt for whatever foul end may have befallen Miishika.
Noting a wrath that stirred within Seamus, Köykkä deemed it a fitting chance to test the barbarian, and train him to raid with purpose.
It had been a while since Köykkä had the chance to unleash such violence. But the Hall could not endure such loss unanswered.
Perhaps with the coming season, a new hero could have a story to tell.
Hasteful Endeavors
All leads extinguished, Köykkä knew the hunt had taken the pair to a venture beyond the confines of the Hall of Heroes tavern.
Köykkä gathered his hidden cache and bid Seamus prepare for a long journey. The trail may have gone cold, but The Hunter would not be dismayed.
Hearing the biting winds outside, the unlikely allies drew their hoods and embarked on what was sure to be a treacherous trek through the wilds. Ever searching for allies who might aid in finding the missing Miishika.
A month of travel flew by, proving fruitless, as Köykkä's search for the missing tavern matron continued. Returning home, he was bombarded with the news of the capture of yet another trusted ally.
Enraged, he called forth his agents to meet in the tavern to formulate the only logical solution.
Tyranny must not be left to endure.
Sending his network out into the city was no simple task, but the results proved useful. Not only did he uncover the location of his missing allies, but the root of all the problems that had faced the Hall Of Heroes.
"One last time..." he stated,. "The Hunter will play the part of the Assassin."
Gathering his blades and preparing for what may be his most daring mission on behalf of the Hall Of Heroes, Köykkä steels his nerve and sets out to put and end to this nightmare once and for all.
With Köykkä's best laid plans set before him, and in preparation for the final chapter in his tale, he recounts all the steps that led him here. Taking pause to note the 39 years he's stared up at the stars above.
There can be no hesitation. No error in his step.
The fate of his allies lay in his hands alone.
The Hunter, The Assassin, none of these titles matter anymore.
Only the breath in his lungs and the skill of his blade can lead to the end he has waited for.
On this, the eve of his day of birth, he prepared.
To All Ends, A Beginning.
Köykkä's war waged into the streets. The once great city assaulted from multiple fronts as his agents enacted his strategy to perfection.
Overwhelming the defenses the King had set in place, Köykkä slipped in with the nimble agility of a well seasoned hunter stalking his greatest prey. Deep within the King's palace he crept, dispatching all those who made their way into his unfortunate path.
Arriving deep within the under levels he found his quarry.
Bound and gagged, the, Miishika lay tortured and unable to walk of her own. Köykkä cloaked Miishika, released her bindings and crept her through the city back to their tavern domain, where Seamus waited.
Miishika may be safe, but this war was not complete. The city, the kingdom, nothing was safe so long as the King still lived.
Removing a potion from his belt, he helped ease Miishika's pain before once more grasping his blade and bow to finish the deed once and for all.
Exhausted from the assault, the palace guards easily fell before his swift onslaught as he battled his way to the highest tower.
He heard the maniacal screams of the King as he stood on the balcony watching his capital fall before his eyes to the army Köykkä unleashed below.
Taking a brief moment to pity the insane ruler, Köykkä hesitated, but not long enough to change his decision.
With a blindingly swift dash forward he fell upon the King with a perfectly placed kukri. Years of training leading to this very moment as the blade dug deep, severing the King's spine with brutal savagery the Hunter had harbored for decades.
The war was finally over... but the chaos that would arise from this act would surely lead to a new threat.
Only one thing was certain…
Köykkä would face it.
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