Season of the Raider
Season Of The Raider: Prologue
Köykkä surveyed the city, noting that the chaos of his regicide had begun to subside. The local factions began asserting their own form of government before a new ruler could even be crowned.
Hanging his weapons, he sought a moment of respite. Instead, he was approached by Seamus and given news of dealings in their homeland to the north.
Many things had been kept from Seamus in the years since Köykkä spirited him south of the land bridge that connected this kingdom to their northern barbaric tribal lands. Secrets, it would seem, that it was time to illuminate for this young warrior.
The past had always been something Köykkä tried to keep behind him, always moving forward. But for young Seamus... the past held a key to the legacy he was denied before he was even old enough to remember.
Agreeing to investigate the dealings of the north, Köykkä began preparing himself for the conversation he knew he would have to have with this spirited barbarian.
As Kings fall, new legends will rise.
A Passage North
After a night of discussion, Seamus convinced Köykkä to consider a journey northward to inspect their ancestral lands.
Köykkä still hesitant, the weight of secrets kept from Seamus pulling him down, he contacted a former associate to broker passage on his ship.
Realizing the spring storms may make the journey perilous, a deal was brokered and Köykkä paid their passage.
Secrets, Köykkä realized, must be brought to light before coming ashore. He began his preparations for their voyage and the impending consequences of his silence for these past years.
Mustering The Crew
Köykkä alerted the heroes of the hall to the oncoming journey. Though passage had been booked, a crew for this journey must be gathered. Knowing his limitations on a seafaring vessel, Köykkä sought out able bodied shipmates to ensure passage north.
Fortunately, the Assassin had many ties to loyal villains who owed a debt to the hall. Many answered his call, and the crew was assembled.
In the meantime, his blades needed sharpening, and Seamus took to the task of re-equipping himself for the journey.
News Of Dire Consequence
Weeks of preparation had come and gone, and Seamus had suddenly gone missing.
Finding new bounties placed outside the Hall for our band of heroes, Köykkä and Miishika realized that perhaps something truly foul may be afoot.
All search plans were halted, however, as a stranger baring the armor of Köykkä's tribe, the Kur'rah, arrived telling horrendous tales of a strange corruption spreading throughout their tribe.
Not sure what to think of this news Köykkä realized it were possible that Seamus, finally realizing the urgency of their departure, may have ventured ahead to track down this threat.
With sudden urgency, Köykkä and Miishika agreed to leave with this hunter from the north. Though something seemed off about this man calling himself "Ogre"....
Perplexing Impatience Yields Great Results
Fresh off the chance meeting with the Kur'rah hunter known only as Ogre, Miishika found herself annoyed with the concept of having to search the length and breadth of the island continent in search of Seamus.
Brandishing a bracelet charm she had fashioned just for moments such as this, Miishika spoke the command words and in a glorious burst of light, Seamus simply appeared.
Confused by the magics the guild mistress had up her sleeves, Köykkä found himself more eager to venture north knowing that he had allies capable of potent sorcery to battle against whatever magical turmoil had beset his people.
But the question lingered in both of their minds, where had Seamus gone, and what led to him wishing to depart alone?
The Assassin's Dilemma
Coming to terms with the fact that Miishika's magics were more than he had ever imagined, Köykkä set out one fateful morning in search of power of his own.
The constant tinge of betrayal still fresh in his mind from his time away from the Hall, the apprentice that had turned on him, his origins further north and his life as a simple hunter weighed heavy on his heart.
He was no longer the Hunter, he had become an Assassin, but even that wasn't enough for Köykkä's ambition.
He had heard word of a seer outside the borders of this city, one who could not only foretell the fates of men, but awaken in them strength fueled by their inherent potential.
Knowing that as he was, he could not simply take on the likes of the powerful sorcerous necromancers in his northern homeland, he sought out this seer. Through forest, and over hills he began his hunt to find the one who might be able to better prepare him for what lay ahead.
Unexpected Allies
Köykkä's journey took him many miles on foot through dense terrain. After a day's journey he realized perhaps the map he had purchased may have led him astray. That is, until he realized he was not alone in the wilderness.
With the silent stalking of a true northern hunter from Köykkä's tribe, the stranger calling himself Ogre approached Köykkä before he could react.
A brief dialog convinced Köykkä that Ogre didn't mean any harm, but in fact wished to accompany him in search of the seer to better prepare for their journey home.
Emerging from the brush, they noticed another hero from the hall had also been following Köykkä.
Finding the clearing that was to lead them to the seer's alcove, they were greeted by one of the seer's sworn protectors.
Finding themselves flanked by these two woodland warriors, the allies had no choice but to relinquish their weapons as suddenly the seer approached. They regard Köykkä as she had already foreseen their arrival earlier that afternoon. She bid her warriors guide the weary travelers from the hall to her fire so that she may prepare the herbs needed to grant a vision of their journey ahead.
Conducting her rites, she foretold of the dangers they would face from without as well as within their ranks. She placed heavy enchantments upon the allies and conducted the rituals to ensure they would last.
As the night drew to a close she bid the heroes rest and embark the next day....
Returning Home
Late into the night Köykkä remained by the fire, noticing a change in himself after the Seer's ritual. Feeling a spark of electricity in his arm and a pull toward the fire, he outstretched his hand and watched as a waft of energy began to gather and take shape.
Certain that something had indeed taken place, he laid to rest that night. But it was a restless sleep, plagued with visions of dread, hoardes of his people and the neighboring tribes turned into something... unnatural.
Yet, within these visions he felt a familiarity, a sudden pull within that felt like some perversion of nature, luring him to a type of unlife similar, yet not mindless like the people in his vision.
Morning arrived and Köykkä bid his fellows from the Hall goodbye, preferring to travel alone with his thoughts as he wrestled with the memories of the vision and the sudden manifestation of power he exhibited.
Over the span of his journey he felt that pull to darkness once more. But his years of focus and training proved the stronger.
Returning to the Hall he greeted Seamus, who seemed eager to hear where Köykkä and the other heroes had disappeared to.
Recounting the tale, he bid the young warrior be patient as they gather their forces, and now more ships, to travel to their homeland to face whatever evil has befallen their people.
That night, however, Köykkä awoke in a cold sweat, body tremors overtaking his senses as he felt something tearing through his very being.
Rushing to the mirror he realized all was not well, he had indeed changed. Into what... he didn't know.
A Tangled Web
Returning to the Hall of Heroes, Ogre recounted a tale of his journey home.
The forest was densely quiet. And when returning to the city, the streets were barren.
But something deeper was stirring in the Hall. The heroes, banded together and took to the streets sporting the banner of the Hall to ensure their statement of presence in the lands.
An Unforgiving Journey
After hearing the tale from Ogre the evening prior, the heroes set out from the Hall to see what had befallen the forest surrounding the Seer's encampment.
Seamus, Köykkä, and their newest companion of the hall, El'randor set out to see if Ogre's account of the forest seemingly engulfing the path overnight was true.
Their journey began simply enough but the sweltering heat of the forest made them take pause and remove their armor to stay packed on their steeds as they realized the path had in fact simply vanished within the dense undergrowth.
Swords in hand, Köykkä set to task to try and clear a path inward so they might find a familiar landmark to guide them further. All the while, Seamus pressed Köykkä about why he had sought the Seer to begin with, and what he had kept hidden from the young Dwarven barbarian all these years.
Dusk began creeping in and the trio quickly learned they had, in fact, run themselves in circles through the woods. Lost, but not dismayed, they settled in and broke camp for the night. Fireside, Köykkä readied himself to tell young Seamus the truth of his lineage.
The Seer Beckons
The trio moved out the next morning, Köykkä certain that he would at least reunite the allies with their horses.
Through brush and vine he cleaved forward, pausing only briefly to drink from his waterskin as the heat of the midday sun began making their progress slow.
Taking a moment to rest, Seamus once more pressed Köykkä to be truthful of what had been clearly burdening him these years.
Throwing down his blades, Köykkä glared violently at Seamus, fists clenched he finally eased and uttered "Fine..."
Seated upon a fallen tree, Köykkä recounted the tale to the young barbarian.
"Lad, you were but a newborn when disaster befell our people." He began.
"This nation we find ourselves in wasn't always as it is now. Before the war, these lands were controlled by many different tribes, of many different heritages."
He sighed, then continued. "Disaster came when the mountain tribe came across relics of a long forgotten past. Ambition set in as their elders were one by one slain by the upstart who we would come to call King Alaát. The mountain tribe would change their name to the Ke'eran, which we now know as the Kingdom of Keyr'dana."
A long pause settled over the trio as all had heard the stories of what they later called the Unification War.
"The war raged on for months, utilizing strange magics born of some lost technological age, the Ke'eran decimated the lands seeking only complete control. Your father, the chieftain of your tribe, the Cur'ra, was the last to make a stand. The legions your father commanded were too much for the Ke'eran to truly defeat. But they held them at bay. A truce was struck, but a wall was erected to keep our peoples out. As survivors of the remaining tribes fled the tyranny of Alaát, were pushed northward and so they lived."
"But the Ke'eran weren't satisfied. A finality was required so that none could rise up again. A morning assault. Swift. Violent. A punctuation to end the conflict once and for all and In the midst of the assault, your father was slain. My patrol returned the next morning to find the slaughter. You were hidden beneath your mother's handmaiden in the root cellar"
"From there I spirited you south. Fearing what more could befall our peoples. And... here we are."
The wind rustled and the forest opened up as the heroes found themselves back at the seer's camp.
That night a ritual was conducted to anoint Seamus in preparation for their journey.
The Ravaging Of Cabbages
Returning home, young Seamus was immediately accosted by the townsguard for unthinkable crimes against the newly instated Queen.
Ensuring his survival at the hands of the guard, the very same captain of the pirate vessel whom was responsible for the journey by sea that Köykkä had booked for their journey north stood up to task as Köykkä began a series of bribes to get Seamus released.
However, it was revealed to the band of allies that Köykkä kept some secrets from the hall. A young boy, with armor equal to Köykkä's was seen as Köykkä walked the city streets openly in daylight for the first time since the assassination of the king. A son, unknown to all in the hall but one. Seamus.
Demanding his father get his sworn protector released from the townsguard, the young boy known only as Z, showed he was willing to go to battle to protect his father's trusted friend.
The folk at the village were taken aback by this boy warrior, and the father who so proudly escorted him on his mission to save Seamus.
The Assassin's Patience Ends
Having given Seamus his freedom, Köykkä returned to the Hall to find a brief respite from the allies he had amassed.
Realizing now that Seamus' tragic past had been laid bare, Köykkä determined he needed a comfort to clear his mind of the troubles of the past.
Gathering his arms, he looked over the guild's bounty board and decided he needed to exorcize some angst the best way he knew how.
Remembering all who laid prying eyes upon his son, he put together a plan to seek out those whom he knew held ties to the former King. Some muscles need to be flexed to remind you of your abilities after all....
Assassin's End
Through the streets he slipped undetected as he chased his quarry. He knew this would be more challenging than most. Practitioners of the arcane were always a messy job....
Dropping silently from the wooden awning over the stables he drew his blades and went in for what he thought would be a quick kill... but he was wrong.
This would be far more challenging than before. Ducking and sidestepping a barrage of minor magics from the caster's outstretched hand, Köykkä slipped in and landed what should have been a killing blow. However, the magical defenses on this man proved far more than he could anticipate.
The same kinetic force of his blade flashed back at him in retribution, an open wound laid bare upon his chest. Blood began pooling under his armor as his own attack redirected itself into a biting laceration over Köykkä's heart.
In just another moment, it was over. Shadowy tendrils gripped him, pulling his arms wide, as the adversary slowly approached, cackling. He knew if he didn't free himself, this would be over, but the strength was being leeched from him with every tendril that took a grip.
One more step, and the arcanist's hand, wreathed in some dark necromancy, plunged deep into the chest of Köykkä. As the world slowly fell away, he knew there was no use fighting it.
Time began to slow for him, remembering his adventures, the companions at his side through it all. "Heh... we had a good run" he caught himself thinking as all was at its end.
He drew all the strength he had to lift his head back up once more. "Be done with it then!" He spit blood with what would be his final living word as the arcanist drew forth an unholy abomination from the shadows to pierce the heart and very soul of the assassin.
…And it all fell away.
Days later the remaining heroes of the hall found his body. Twisted, and broken, his body laid flat upon their tavern table while they argued. None knowing how best to proceed without Köykkä's guidance.
He was gone.
The magic was too strong and no priest could restore him.
The Heroes took the body back to the seer, and a vigil was held while the seer slyly smirked at the sight before her.
Unholy Awakening
The sound of scratching and scurrying pervaded the edges of his awareness. The damp smell of stagnant soil filled his nostrils. He could hear the faint crackle of a fire nearby.
He felt a cold, unlike anything he had ever known. Not an exterior burden chilling him from without, but a cold emanating from his very core.
He also felt light. A burden removed that he never realized had been shackled to his existence. He tried to move, but found his body did not react to his own physical efforts.
"So this is what the end is?" He thought to himself. Remembering stories the elders of his clan told him of the afterlife, he chuckled to himself at their falsehoods.
He recounted the moments of his death and felt the cold wash over him again. But within that cold he found comfort.
Accepting this new existence, he let the cold consume him. Piercing into his every thought, memory, emotion; he embraced the welcoming relief of the burden of living.
At that moment he heard laughter. Slight at first, moving into form until it rang through his senses.
Suddenly his eyes flashed open. Through some unnatural sight he viewed his surroundings in this darkened tomb. He realized that his body now reacted to his will rather than physical effort. Relearning his own body, he rose to his feet.
He didn't know what change had transpired, but he would find a way to use this to escape his own tomb.
The laughter continued. He would seek its source.
The Homeward Path
He felt his body reacting more to his will as time seemed irrelevant in his dank underground tomb. Through some magical ignition a wall sconce illuminated his vision as his eyes slowly adjusted to this sudden shift.
He heard the laughter take a less disembodied form as he began hearing its lightened tone.
This voice.
He had been haunted for an age at the memories of this light hearted target of his affections. How long had it been? He pondered as he felt the memories of a life they shared wash over him.
Her laughter turned to longing as he could feel her call out to him.
What was this place? A space between life and death that would be his prison? He felt anger rise up in him and slammed his fist into the rocky wall of his tomb, only to realize he felt pain on the impact.
A light began shining brighter from the sconce until finally taking shape. It WAS her. While years had passed he never forgot the delicate loving look in her eyes.
At once he was taken back to their life together. As if sensing his thoughts she reached out with a sudden sadness in her eyes and caressed his face.
Though he had clearly met his end, he never felt more alive.
With a smile she waved her hand to one of the stone walls and bid him follow her. She stepped through seamlessly, and as he hesitated to follow he found his form could squeeze through, as if passing through a pudding. He felt it resist him at first, but in this form he was in, he was in control.
He followed, not knowing what she was leading him to. But he didn't care. He saw her again, and that was the only thing he clung to.
Discord In The Hall
With the death of Köykkä, Seamus fell into despair. His mead horn ever full, he blamed himself for spurning the assassin who had saved him as a child.
Ready to take his wrath out on any and all who dared disturb his mourning, he fell deeper and deeper into his self imposed prison.
But something in the Hall was stirring. A familiar presence in the air. But none could discern it.
All the while... Köykkä watched through eyes that transcended this space between worlds.
She beckoned him to follow, so he bid the Hall farewell for now as the enchantress from his past led him onward. To what end he didn't care. This fragile minstrel of his heart was taking him where he needed to be, he knew this as fact.
The world around him tore away with the sound of shredding canvas. A gravitic pull spiraled his awareness into a single form.
The sudden eruption of his awareness returned to a corporeal form caused his once lifeless body to recoil upward as he took his first breath.
He found that his sight had remained capable of piercing through the darkness of his tomb. Whatever properties his sight possessed in the afterlife seeming to be lingering in this new life he had been granted.
But more importantly, he remembered everything.
His life. Every life. The dance of fire he held with her. She had said she would find him this time, and he trusted those words.
But he did not know how much time had passed. His had to return to the Hall and regroup with his allies.
Traversing the outskirts of their home city he made his way back.
But many had already departed. Finding only Miishika, she gave him back his weapons and told the tale of the days that transpired in the wake of his demise.
Learning of the grief that had struck Seamus, as well as the allies he had gathered. Köykkä realized that they had embarked on their plotted journey ahead of him.
Understanding that time was of the essence... Köykkä knew that he would need passage on a ship to catch up on the 2 week head start his allies had on him.
He would need a Wayfinder, and he knew just the man to seek.
Days had passed and Seamus felt his anger welling up. The man who had saved him as a child laid dead in his tomb and there was only one thing left to do.
Climbing out of his drunken woes, the young barbarian donned his armor, gathered his weapons and strode out of the hall to board passage on the seafaring vessel Köykkä had secured for their planned journey north.
If he could not seek vengeance on the ones responsible for his mentor's death, then he would seek violence wherever he must and reclaim his homeland.
He gazed back at their home one last time as the gathered allies of the hall set out to traverse the Eastern sea in search of justice for Seamus.
Miishika, however, stayed behind. There was some presence in the hall that lingered in her senses and she knew all was not as it seemed.
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