Season of the WayFinder | Hall of Heroes T-shirt


Crafted from the finest 100% cotton, this vestment ensures your comfort as you traverse the realms of casual and semi-formal realms alike.


Features of the Enchanted Garment:


  • Breathable Weave: Woven with celestial threads for unmatched airflow and comfort.
  • Ribbed Collar: Enhanced with magic to retain its form, ensuring it stays as resilient as your spirit.
  • Comfortable Label: Easily removable, so it doesn’t chafe during your heroic deeds.


Care Instructions for the Garment:


  • Washing: Immerse in cool waters (not exceeding 30°C or 90°F) to cleanse of dust and dragon scales.
  • Bleaching: Employ non-chlorine potions as needed to restore its pristine aura.
  • Drying: Tumble dry using low heat to prevent any magical distortions.
  • Ironing: Apply medium heat with either steam or dry methods to smooth out any wrinkles from battle.
  • Dry Cleaning: Refrain from using the ancient dry-cleaning spells, as they are ill-suited for this fine garment.


Width, in18.0020.0022.0024.0026.0028.0030.0032.00
Length, in28.0029.0030.0031.0032.0033.0034.0035.00
Sleeve length (from center back), in15.1016.5018.0019.5021.0022.4023.7025.00
Size tolerance, in1.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.50


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